신용카드 등 채무정리

Debt Collection Defense

신용카드  사용 후 결재일에 갚지 못하고, 다음 달 높은 이자를 물면서 계속 갚아가고 있거나, 

마땅히 변제할 방법이 없어 미니멈 페이만 하면서, 변제의 기회를 찾거거나,

더이상 컨트롤 할 수가 없어, 미니멈 페이 금액이 원금을 넘어선 분 중,

하루하루가 즐겁지 못하고 부담만 가득하게 지내고 있다면,

꼭~ 주말을 넘기기 전에 지체말고 장우석 변호사와 상담하세요. 

변호사는 채무를 없앨 수는 없지만, 채무자를 위임대리하여 채권자와 소통하며,

채무자의 의사가 충분히 반영된 변제계획을 세워 합의하여 마무리 할 수 있습니다.

이는 막연한 핑크 빛 판타지가 아니고, 법률관계 (계약)이기 때문이기 때문입니다.

제 오피스는 계좌별로 고정수임을 하고 있으므로, 클라이언트의 편의에 맞춰 진행할 수 있습니다.

You probably know by now that making minimum payments in credit card debts is not the ultimate solution to getting out of debt. Unless you convince yourself that your income will increase or inherit some assets in a near future, it will be very hard to manage the debts owed to creditors or debt collectors. 

These days, hundreds of thousands of consumers are looking for debt settlement companies to consolidate their debts and to protect you and your family's well-being from vicious collection attempts. Unfortunately, the creditors and the debt collectors also have their own legal rights and are obliged to obey the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act, which is supposed to protect the debtors and sometimes annoy the debtors until they collect the money they owed. So long as they abide by the act, they can push you to the end until they get the money.

Your legal right in debt collection defense is the fair procedure, starting from denying or admitting such debts. You can always ask for account verification. If you admit the fact that you owe something, then the next step would be the negotiation for a settlement to avoid any civil judgment. Negotiation sometimes sounds too easy and simple and many debtors gave up thinking they already tried negotiations by talking to customer service and were denied. So hiring someone else would be just wasting time and money, assuming s/he would do the same - calling the creditor/debt collector, discussing the account, and being refused settlement negotiation. However, you should realize that negotiation is not a simple and easy process but a very complicated and highly well-structured tactic being called for. As a rule of thumb, you should convince the creditor/debt collector why it is beneficial for them to negotiate the debts for less money. 

CHANG LAW OFFICE, P.C. has successfully represented numerous clients in debt collection defense by reaching a successful settlement agreement or getting a discharge order from a bankruptcy court. It has experienced and established a reputation for the frank-tactic to expedite the settlement procedure. When you come for an initial consultation, you will spend substantial time with a lawyer to figure out your available legal options in a practical manner. Sometimes clients are straightly advised to prepare a bankruptcy filing; some are advised to settle their debts. Sounds simple but it is very complicated not to waste your hard-earned money for nothing or in vain. Its goal is to educate the debtors by giving them legal options and try under their budget - income and inheritance, etc. The lawyer takes care of the clients as if you are his/her family members - do spend time and money wisely. 

CHANG LAW OFFICE, P.C. is a law firm with of-counsel attorneys who will vigorously and diligently protect your rights and advocate for you. It has helped hundreds of people that have experienced legal difficulties to get relief and put their lives back on track. Please take advantage of the quality consultation. The lawyer cannot stop raining and lift up the fog from you but can navigate you to your destiny as a loyal navigator despite severe weather conditions hanging over you.