교통사고 상해사고 보험 클레임 

Personal Injury & Automobile Accident; Insurance Claim

Chang Law Office, P.C. 장우석 변호사 

문자/전화 Text/Tel: 781-315-6874

아래 중요 꿀팁 1 & 2가 있습니다. 꼭 읽어보세요.

매사추세츠에서 운전 할 때, 그러다가 교통사고가 나면,

매사추세츠 주정부 관련 사이트 - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/basics-of-auto-insurance

본 게시글은 변호사가 오래전 한 지역 정보지 게시판에 올려놓은 글을 토대로 작성하였습니다.

원글 참조:


Personal Injury & Automobile accidents happen every day and everywhere in Massachusetts and New York while commuting or traveling as well as in other states of New England area. If you are looking for legal assistance in dealing with your claim against an insurance company or a person at fault, we can take care of you and your claim.

CHANG LAW OFFICE handles personal injury & automobile accident; insurance claims as one of the major practice areas to secure the injured client's legal rights. Most of all, you should get medical attention to your injury when you are involved in a personal injury or automobile accident. 

Then the claim is made only when the gross injury equals up to or more than $2,000 as we are in "no-fault" jurisdiction. From experience, if you were taken via ambulance to an emergency room at the scene or pain develops in a day or two from the date of the accident and you suffer from the accident and receive medical treatment, usually, this threshold test is satisfied.

Regardless of the seriousness of the injury either severe fracture or soft tissue injury, CHANG LAW OFFICE is always willing to assist those injured to settle the claim so long as the injured has the will to recover from the injury.